Support Services

Search for Children with Disabilities
School districts throughout Ohio participate in an effort to locate, identify and evaluate all children through the age of 21 years of age who reside within their district and have a confirmed or suspected disability. For infants, toddlers and preschoolers, a child may have a delay in one or more developmental areas such as communication, vision or hearing ability and/or social-emotional functioning. For school-age children with a disability it would mean having one or more conditions defined by federal regulations and state standards. These disabilities include autism, deafness (hearing impairment), visual impairment, speech or language impairment, emotional disturbance, specific learning disability, intellectual disability, traumatic brain injury, orthopedic impairment, multiple disabilities, deaf-blind, and other health impairments (minor or major). Please notify the district about a child suspected of having a disability. Once the district is notified the guardian will be contacted for further steps while maintaining compliance with federal and state laws.
If you know of a child who is suspected of having a disability, contact Wendy Halley, Director of Student Services, at 1-740-379-9085.
Gallia County Local Schools serve students with disabilities ages 3-21 as required by federal law. Gallia County Local Schools offers specialized services under IDEA and state laws for students with disabilities.
Student Services Department
The Gallia County Local School’s Student Service Department includes Wendy Halley, Director of Student Services and Sarah Marshall, School Psychologist. Our department’s role is to support parents, students and staff in providing services for students with specific needs. We can consult about academic, behavioral, health or other issues as needed. We can be reached at 740-379-9085.
Parent Mentor
The Parent Mentor for Gallia County Local Schools is Allison Small. She is located at the Gallia County Board Office. She can be reached at 740-379-9085.
Her role includes:
Guide families through the special education process
Help families understand their rights and responsibilities
Provide information and resources to families and schools. This includes educational laws and district programs
Engage community services and other resources to support families and schools
Attend IEP meetings and other meetings at the request of parents or staff
Connects families, schools and the community to benefit students with disabilities